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产品关键字:面料 灯芯绒 牛仔布 绒布 衬衫布 牛津布 桃皮绒 罗纹布 毛绒 网眼布 提花布 毛巾布 印花 棉纱 纱线 丝绸 色织 染色 羊绒
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您的位置:中国服装面料网 -> 服装面料商机
【供应信息】 供应宝石绒烫金
发布时间: 2009年2月7日
有效时间: 2010年2月7日

本厂家专生产麂皮绒、宝石绒烫金  箱包鞋材面料 印花 绣花 压绉 服装面料 草席包边布 提花  等多种加工面料 自主开发 价格合理  款式新颖 本产品有多种花纹,多种颜色可供选购.只要你提供花型.样品为你定做
本公司常年在国内出口箱包鞋材面料到欧洲地区,规格齐全、质量稳定、价格公道、童叟无欺。坯布、成品都可销售!本公司专业生产各类中高档箱包鞋材面料,兼营针织布,坯布,以及各种家纺面料和服装面料。公司自营有烫金,复合,滴 塑,印花等加工厂。
Specifically the production of this factory suede, velvet jewel bag shoe bronzing fabric printing fabric embroidered crepe pressure mats etc. Hemming Buttiglione flower independently developed a wide range of processing fabric fashionable at reasonable prices
This product has a variety of patterns, many colors available for purchase. As long as you provide the flowers. Sample for your customized
Perennial in the domestic export fabric shoe bags to Europe, complete specifications, stable quality, fair prices, fair trade. Gray cloth and finished products are for sale! Our company specializes in producing all kinds of middle-grade fabric shoe bags, run knitting cloth, fabric, and a variety of home textile fabrics and clothing fabrics. Companies have self-bronzing, composite, drop models, printing and other processing plants.
Company to the tireless spirit of innovation, firm commitment to quality and perfect customer service and continuing to expand domestic and foreign markets, the company products have been exported to mainland China, North America, South America, the Middle East and so on around the world ...
Longxing Textile, not afraid of you can not buy, I am afraid you can not think of.
公司名称: 龙兴纺织有限公司
地  址: 绍兴市柯桥联合市场二楼C区412号
邮  编: 312030
联 系 人: 谢荣转
电  话: 0575-84097891
传  真: 86-0575-84135619
网  址: http://www.sxlxtex.com/


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